Aggregate output:the value of all the goods and services produced during a specified period.
Aggregate income: the value of all the payments earned by the suppliers of factors used in the production of goods and services.
Aggregate expenditure:the total amount spent on the goods and services produced in the (domestic) economy during the period
- compensation of employees,包括工资和福利
- Rent:payment for the use of property
- Interest:payment for lending funds
- Profit:return that owners of a company receive
后三样的和可以算作operating surplus,是the return on all capital used by the business。
因为businesses最终都是由人持有的,而且政府被认为是non-profit的(所以它控制的business所上贡的收入最终是让居民受益),所以默认所有income都是给household sector的。
National income:用于生产最终产品的所有生产要素所获得的收入。等于GDP减去capital consumption allowance(折旧)和统计误差。
Personal income:household的税前收入,等于national income减去未分配公司收益和公司所得税和间接商业税。
Personal disposable income:personal income减去personal税。
- the market value of all final goods and services produced within the economy during a given period
- the aggregate income earned by all households, all companies, and the government within the economy during a given period
- 必须是当期生产的goods和services
- 并且不包括政府向个人的转移(比如失业救济)
- 不包括个人的资产增值时获得的资本收益
- 只包括those whose value can be determined by being sold in the market2.
- 但是Owner-occupied housing and government services是计入的;前者使用imputed value,后者使用cost
- Only the market value of final goods and services is included
有两种计量方式:value of final output和sum of value added(都是基于expenditure的)。如果有进口原料的话,the value added would be reduced by the amount paid for the imports.
real GDP:the value of goods and services produced, measured at base year prices.
nominal GDP:the value of goods and services measured at current prices
implicit price deflator for GDP(简称GDP deflator):
Per capita real GDP:Real GDP 除以人口数量,通常用作平均生活质量的指标
GDP有四个部门:household、business、government和foreign (external),公式:
C是消费者支出on final goods and services;I是gross private domestic investment,包括 investment in capital goods和库存变化;G是政府支出on final goods and services;X是出口,M是进口。
shows the services of labor, land, and capital flowing through the factor market to business firms and the flow of income back from firms to households. Households spend part of their income on consumption (C) and save (S) part of their income for future consumption. Current consumption expenditure flows through the goods market to the business sector. Household saving flows into the financial markets, where it provides funding for businesses that need to borrow or raise equity capital. Firms borrow or raise equity primarily to finance investment (I) in inventory, property, plant, and equipment. Investment (I) is shown flowing from firms through the goods market and back to firms because the business sector both demands and produces the goods needed to build productive capacity (capital goods).
Investment既会影响长期增长率,也会通过capital spending影响短期波动。
政府的转移支付从tax里面扣掉了,图中用net tax来表示。如果G大于T了,就会产生fiscal deficit,需要从金融市场借钱。
贸易逆差(balance of trade deficit)不仅,而且也代表着需要从外部借钱。One area’s deficit is another’s surplus, and vice versa.
Relationship among Saving, Investment, the Fiscal Balance and the Trade Balance
Personal disposable income(左侧)有:
Y是GDP,F是转移支付,$ S_B $ 是retained earnings and depreciation(business saving),R是直接和间接税;(右侧是分配个人可支配收入)C是商品和服务的消费,$ S_H $ 是存款(household saving)。
根据前文,税减去转移支付就是net tax(T),$ S=S_B+S_H $,所以有:
$ (G-T) $就是fiscal balance。据此可知,domestic private saving会用在三个用途:投资,支持政府赤字,建立针对海外经济体的金融债权——如果贸易逆差,就是被国外的saving补充。
disposable income对于C来说是关键因素,这里用的是$ Y-S_B-T $,就可以(先不管实际上不显著的$ S_B $)设置这么个关系方程:
每增加一单位的收入,就会有一部分用于消费,另一部分存下来;前者叫做marginal propensity to consume(MPC),后者叫做 marginal propensity to save(MPS),显然$ \text{MPS} = 1- \text{MPC} $。
还有一个叫做average propensity to consume (APC),就是$ C/Y$,通常会用来作为MPC的proxy。
physical capital:any manmade aid to production
Total investment包括replacement of worn-out capital,叫做gross investment;只包括the addition of new capacity的叫做net investment。
GDP包含的是gross investment。
Investment的主要因素是利率(real)和aggregate output/income;后者是作为the expected profitability of new investments的观察指标。output低的时候(空置率高)新投入的回报也低;output高的时候……。
政府部门的支出被认为是外源性的。基本上只考虑private sector的变化因素。但是税收收入和转移支付跟aggregate income还是有一定关联的,所以有:
$ \bar G $是外源性的政府支出(可以视作不变),$t(Y)$是税收。在解释的时候把两边×-1会更好理解:
aggregate income增加的时候,财政余额会减少(赤字变小甚至盈余增大);反之亦然。这也叫做automatic stabilizer(自动稳定器),因为它在尝试抵消aggregate output的变化。
很多发达国家会用一个标准化的方式来计量GDP,在Organisation for Economic Co-Operation and Development(OECD)手册中有记录。美国的商务部会在Survey of Current Business中发布NIPA。中国则是国家统计局。
Aggregate Demand and Aggregate Supply
Aggregate demand: the quantity of goods and services that households, businesses, government, and non-domestic customers want to buy at any given level of prices.
Aggregate supply: the quantity of goods and services that producers are willing to supply at any given level of prices. (It also reflects the amount of labor and capital that households are willing to offer into the marketplace at given real wage rates and cost of capital.)
总需求曲线上的点满足两个要求:1)总支出=总收入;2)the available real money supply is willingly held by households and businesses. 在讨论总需求曲线的时候,会认为GDP中的政府支出是固定的;总需求曲线呈现downward slope是由于三个效应:wealth effect、interest rate effect和real exchange rate effect。
财富效应:An increase (decrease) in household wealth increases (decreases) consumer spending out of a given level of current income. 这个wealth指的是real wealth,所以如果price上涨,real wealth就减少(购买力降低)。
real exchange rate effect:价格上升会导致本币升值,从而减少出口、增加进口以及对国内产品的需求减少;利率效应也会导致本币升值从而触发这条的效果。
总供给曲线需要区分short run和long run,但并不是以绝对时间来区分的;long run的时间是工资、价格、预期可以变化而physical capital不足以变化。
- Very short run的总需求曲线是水平的,比如需求旺盛的话即使价格不变也会生产更多
- short run的是斜向上的,因为工资、其他input都还没能根据价格水平进行调整,所以价格上升就会增加marginal profit导致增产
- long run的是垂直的,因为工资、其他input都能根据价格变动进行调整
long run的产量Y是根据the potential output of the economy来决定的(这又由固定的capital和labor以及可用的科技来决定):
前文提到的 $ Y = C+I+G+(X-M) $ 中的 I 反映了 $ \Delta K $。Long run的产量 $ Y_1 $ 也叫 full employment/natural level of output,因为此时所有resources已经fully employed,而且失业率处于自然水平4。
Aggregate Demand移动因素
- household财富
- 消费者和企业的预期
- capacity utilization
- 货币政策
- 汇率
- 全球经济增长情况
- 财政政策(政府支出和税)
household财富包括金融资产和实体资产。财富增加会导致AD曲线向右移动(Wealth effect)。
注意,如果题目里说的是reduce bank reserve,那么结果是导致货币供给降低,因为 $ \text{reserve} / \text{deposit} = \text{ratio} $, 在固定ratio的情况下降低reserve就会迫使银行吸收的存款减少,进而降低可以发放的贷款。
Short-run AS
影响生产成本或者预期profit margins的都会影响短期AS:
- 名义工资
- input prices
- 对未来output价格以及总体价格水平的预期
- 商业税和津贴
- 汇率
input price降低会降低生产成本,AS往右。
Long-run AS
任何影响resource base的都会影响long-run AS的位置:
- 劳动供给和劳动力质量
- 自然资源供给
- supply of physical capital
- 生产效率和科技
- Long-run full employment
- Short-run recessionary gap
- Short-run inflationary gap
- Short-run stagflation
长期平衡:AD与SRAS的交点也在LRAS上,产量水平是potential GDP。但是potential GDP是很难算出来的;the long-run growth rate of potential GDP能够比较精确地estimate,所以在短期内大家会比较在意使GDP增长得与estimated long-run growth rate不同的因素以及measures that indicate the extent to which the economy is operating above or below its productive capacity(比如失业率)。
短期衰退:AD与SRAS的交点的产量比LRAS低,gap就是指这个水平与potential GDP之间的差。recession指real GDP在连续至少两个季度内下降。5
- 公司利润降低
- 商品价格降低
- 利率降低
- 信用需求降低
- 降低对周期性公司的投资
- 减少对商品和/或以商品为导向的公司的投资
- 增加对防御性公司6的投资
- 增加对投资级或政府发行的固定收益证券的投资、增加对长期固定收益证券的投资(因为比短期的对利率变化更敏感)
- 减少对投机性股票证券和信用质量评级较低的固定收益证券的投资
短期通胀:AD与SRAS的交点的产量比LRAS高,就会导致通胀。如果持续这个高price,那么高工资和高input price会导致SRAS往左移动,使得产出回到potential水平。与短期衰退一样,政府和中央银行可以介入。
滞涨:SRAS减少时的情况(此时SRAS曲线向上移),不仅产量降低,价格还升高——通常是因为意料之外的input price升高而导致的。低产量和高失业会压低名义工资(以及因此导致的其他input price降低)使得SRAS往右移,均衡回到potential。政府和中央银行也可以介入,但是是让AD往右移,代价是价格水平会固定在高点。
- 减少固定收益投资,因为名义利率会升高
- 减少权益证券投资,因为profit margins变小、产量变小
- 增加commodities or commodity-based的投资
- AD、AS的增减对real GDP、失业率、价格
- Demand、Supply驱动的expansion和contraction对inflation和interest rate
Economic Growth and Sustainablity
Sustainable rate of economic growth:the rate of increase in the economy’s productive capacity or potential GDP.
不过可持续增长率不是直接可以测量的,需要通过其他方式estimate。Potential GDP对于预测通胀压力、信用质量、中央银行政策变化都有用,对于固定收益投资非常重要。
新古典主义(neoclassical)(或索罗增长模型)认为potential GDP有两个因素影响增长:
- accumulation of inputs
- new technologies making inputs more productive
在固定technology的情况下,production function是这样的:
其中A是total factor productivity(TFP),也是estimate的。新古典主义模型有三个假设:
- constant returns to scale。如果所有input都增长了x%,那Y就会增长x%
- 对于任一input都表现出diminishing marginal productivity
- 使用input不会产生外部性(externalities)
其中capital的diminishing marginal productivity意味着:
- 长期可持续增长不能单纯依靠capital deepening investment7(对于其他input也是一样的)
- 发展中国家的capital相比发达国家少,所以productivity of capital高;其他因素相同的情况下,发展中国家的增长率应该超过发达国家
Growth accounting equation:potential output的增长由TFP增长和capital和labor的加权平均增长来组成:
$ W_C $:corporate profits, net interest income, net rental income, and depreciation之和除以GDP
$ W_L $: employee compensation除以GDP
注意capital和labor的增长是根据各自占GDP的比重贡献到potential GDP里面的。
如果是growth in per capita potential GDP,就会变成这个形式:
Source of Economic Growth
Research and development (R&D)的支出以及专利数量可以看作innovative performance的一个指标。
TFP除了图中的这些,还包含了:externalities and spillover effects, omitted inputs, organizational efficiencies, and institutional and governance factors等等的影响。
劳动力供应(labor quantity)
其中labor force是working age population(16岁以上)的无论有工作还是失业。
人力资源(labor quality)
实体资本存量 Physical Capital Stock
公共基础设施 Public Infrastructure
也叫做public capital;它们会产生externalities8,促进private sector的生产。
Sustainable Growth
预测potential GDP的方法之一:用劳动生产率(labor productivity):
劳动生产率如果增长得快,那么同样一批工人生产的商品和服务就会越来越多,他们的雇主就可以接受支付更高的工资的同时保持盈利——所以high rates of productivity growth will translate into rising profits which support higher stock prices
使用劳动生产率来估计sustainable growth,首先把劳动生产率的公式变换成:
再变成growth rate:
Households supply the factors of production (labor and capital) to businesses in exchange for wages and profit (aggregate income) totaling £100. Companies use the inputs to produce goods and services (aggregate output) that they sell to households (aggregate expenditure) for £100. ↩
地下经济也是不算在内的;研究发现通常的国家的national account因此忽略掉相当于12%~20%名义GDP的量 ↩
不只是借钱更便宜了,而且“更多的投资项目现在是赚钱的了” ↩
也就意味着宏观经济运行在efficient、unconstrained level of production. Companies have enough spare capacity to avoid bottlenecks, and there is a modest, stable pool of unemployed workers (job seekers equal job vacancies) looking for and transitioning into new jobs. ↩
有的学说认为,由于失业和下降的价格,工人会接受更低的名义工资,(以及因此导致的其他input price降低)使得SRAS往右移,均衡回到potential。另一些人认为需要政府介入,但是效果的滞后性可能会加重问题。 ↩
Companies with sales and profits that have little sensitivity to the business cycle or state of the economy. ↩
increases the stock of capital relative to labor ↩
refers to situations where the production or consumption of goods and services creates costs or benefits for others that are not reflected in the prices charged for them. In other words, externalities include the consumption, production, and investment decisions of firms (and individuals) that affect people not directly involved in the transactions. ↩