债券上写的是face value和coupon rate。通过市场利率(effective interest rate)折现得到的叫做market value:
- effective rate > coupon rate, market value < face value,dicount
- effective rate < coupon rate, market value > face value, premium
- at par
有时候价格会以百分比的形式展示,比如104表示market value是face value的104%。
accouting的时候按照market value来report。对于发行相关费用,IFRS将它们计入liability本身;GAAP将它们从liability中扣掉(用一个额外的账户来计算,并且进行amortization)。但是companies initially report bonds as a liability on their balance sheet at the amount of the sales proceeds net of issuance costs under both IFRS and US GAAP.
报表上展示的值是amortized之后的值,或者是current fair value;如果是前者,notes里面会有fiar value的披露。
对于Premium的bond,interest expense比payment少;对于discount,则是expense比payment多。
method有两种,effective interest rate method和straight-line method。Straight-line method就是把差值平均分在每年。Effective interest rate method是这样:
而effective interest rate对于教材的简化例子来说就是发行时的market interest rate。
Amortisation of Discount/Premium就是interest expense和payment之间的差值。注意它只会影响net income,不会影响cash flow(因为是expense,不是payment)。
每年的Payment都是 $1,000,000 \times 5\% =50000$,本金PV是747258.17。
$\text{Expense} = \text{Effective rate} \times \text{Beginning carrying}$,比如第一年就是 $957876.36 \times 6\% = 57472.58$
Year | Payment | Payment PV | Expense | Amortization | Ending Carrying |
1 | 50000 | 47169.81 | 57472.58 | 7472.58 | 965348.94 |
2 | 50000 | 44499.82 | 57920.94 | 7920.94 | 973269.88 |
3 | 50000 | 41980.96 | 58396.19 | 8396.19 | 981666.07 |
4 | 50000 | 39604.68 | 58899.96 | 8899.96 | 990566.04 |
5 | 50000 | 37362.91 | 59433.96 | 9433.96 | 1000000 |
Principle | 1000000 | 747258.17 | - | - | - |
Sum | - | 957876.36 | - | - | - |
注意expense的对象是carrying amount,不是face value。
fair value与利率变动
如果公司选择以fair value来report liability,那么decrease就会增加income,increase则会导致loss,但是只有跟公司credit risk没有关系的部分才算;跟公司整体credit risk有关的变化要算尽other comprehensive income.
对于到期的bond的repayment,会导致bonds payable和cash减少carrying amount的值。
如果是中途redeem,bonds payable也是减少carrying amount,而实际支出的cash与carrying amount之间的差值算做gain or loss。在GAAP下还没有amortized的费用也要同步write down并算入gain or loss。